About Us
Families and educators continue to face challenges. It’s a constantly changing environment that not all families are equipped to deal with, particularly low-income, English-learner, immigrant families living in rural and urban areas. Keep Learning California provides tools and resources both families and educators can use to help keep children learning and ensure the equity gap in education doesn’t widen.
This collaborative was developed by Attendance Works, Families In Schools and Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) to serve the needs of California families. Together, we understand the issues, challenges, and barriers you face every day – and we’re here to help. We want to inspire hope and give you confidence in this trying time – and keep your children learning.

Attendance Works
Attendance Works is a national and state initiative that works to advance student success and help close equity gaps by reducing chronic absence. Broadly defined, chronic absence is missing so much school for any reason that a student is at risk of not reading in the early grades, lower achievement in middle school and dropping out of high school. www.attendanceworks.org.

Families In Schools
Families In Schools envisions a public education system where students have all the opportunities and resources necessary to succeed in school and in life. We seek a workforce prepared for lifelong learning, and active engagement in the civic life of our society. Guided by this belief, the mission of Families In Schools is to involve parents and communities in their children’s education to achieve lifelong success. www.familiesinschools.org.

Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE)
PIQE is a national organization with evidence-based programs that engage, empower and transform parents to actively engage in their children’s education and strengthen parent-school collaboration. PIQE provides empowering information, skills development and support systems for low-income families, communities of color, English Learner and immigrant families. www.piqe.org.
Funding for Keep Learning California provided by